Small Business Tips

Here is an article that talks about the need to differentiate your company, build your online presence and engage in a conversation with your customers.  All three contribute to the creation of your marketing strategy and your marketing plan. Read the full article at:

Here is a useful article describing three excellent business habits for small business owners.  They are so simple and so true, but many business owners don’t do them consistently.  You should! Read the full article at

Here is a useful article describing how to offer e-commerce capability and fulfillment with service that matches or exceeds the big boys while maintaining your company’s uniqueness.   Offer flawless service, and your customers will keep coming back. Lately, e-commerce order and fulfillment seems dominated by Goliaths. In...

Here are some good tips for small businesses that need seasonal employees.  There is also a link within to a related article covering strategies for hiring recent college graduates.  ...

Small Businesses can take advantage of weather forecasts to increase or decrease staffing levels depending on whether your customers buy during periods of bad weather or stay away.  This article discusses this plus some additional tips.  ...

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