Apr 26, 2023 How Do You Make Your Company More Profitable When You Know What to Do but Just Don’t Have the Money?
I write a lot about figuring out the best actions you can take to improve the profitability of your business and how using The Apollo Profit Acceleration Technique™ does this most efficiently. But what if you already know what to do, but you just don’t have the money to do it and you can’t borrow it. The problem to be solved can be like the preverbal “elephant in the room”. Just no money or resources to do it. What then?
I have faced this problem many times. I have also overcome it most of the time. The trick was to identify a small thing to that can be done that will have a noticeable impact on profitability and most importantly, cashflow. Once this is done, you have a little more cash than you had before, we find another slightly more impactful improvement we can make and use the increased cash flow from the first change to pay for it. We continue until we have chained up the smaller improvements sufficiently that we have enough money to solve the big and obvious problem.
Figuring out what small action will have a big enough impact on cashflow is the where the analysis comes in.
Bryan B Mason
Apollo Consulting Group, Providence, Rhode Island
For more information click here https://apollogr.com/profitability-improvement/
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