Marketing Analytics Services For Advertising Agencies

Management Consulting for Small and Mid-sized Companies

Marketing Analytics

Apollo Consulting Group provides marketing analytics services to advertising agencies to assist with their projects, grow the agency’s expertise or to provide a completely outsourced capability. All of Apollo’s services are directed to meet the goal of enhancing the client’s understanding of their customers as well as the effectiveness of marketing on their business.

On Demand Expertise to Mid-Sized Advertising Agencies – Many mid-sized advertising agencies have periods where their marketing analytics staff cannot meet the work load of current or prospective clients. In addition, their regular staff may not have the deep expertise necessary for the most demanding assignments. Apollo can provide assistance in these situations. Being able to access highly experienced on demand resources allows the agency to bid for and complete larger pieces of business.

Grow Your Agency’s Advanced Marketing Analytics Capabilities – Many advertising agencies have a desire to grow their marketing analytics offerings by offering more advanced marketing analytics capabilities to better serve their customers and increase revenues. This includes the design and implementation of the technical infrastructure to make use of a greater breadth and volume of data. See Data Technology Services to Support Marketing Analytics for more information on this. In addition, their marketing analytics staff may not have the analytical experience necessary to support multi-touch attribution analysis, marketing mix modeling or other advanced techniques. Apollo can work with your agency to build your capabilities under our guidance and support.

Outsourced Marketing Analytics Department for Small Advertising Agencies – Smaller agencies may not have any marketing analytics staff at all. In this case, Apollo can provide a completely outsourced capability that the agency can offer to their clients as an additional service and profit center. By offering additional services, the agency can expand its revenue and profit as well as its footprint with clients.

Call us today at (401) 862-6339 to find out how Apollo’s marketing Analytics Capabilities can help your agency grow revenues and profits.

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Apollo's Marketing Analytics Services

Apollo’s services are designed to optimize the return on marketing investments in traditional and digital media and understand customer behavior for your clients. Apollo’s consultants can create and deliver impactful presentations that provide insights and recommendations for client audiences.

Apollo’s consultants have a successful track record in developing and delivering advanced analytics projects using statistical methods in advertising research, digital analytics, media mix modeling and marketing campaign analytics as well as over 30 years’ experience in data mining, marketing analytics and economic analysis and modeling across multiple industries and data/modeling platforms.

Data Technology Build Out – Key to the success of any advanced marketing analytics effort is having the right technology in place to facilitate it. Apollo can identify and manage the implementation of the appropriate mix of technologies needed for your situation. This can include interfaces to each data source (connectors, integrations), data lakes or data warehouses, identity resolution software (to bring data from multiple sources for the same person together), complex database design to make effective use of data across differing data platforms and types as well as differing dashboarding (business intelligence) and statistical tools.  See Data Technology Services to Support Marketing Analytics for more information on this.

Creating a Single view of the Customer – Taking data from multiple channels and customer touchpoints and combining them into a single view of the customer in the form of a database that reflects all interactions between client and customer. The data can be defined in terms of a single-channel campaign or can be more complex, reflecting more sophisticated marketing communications patterns.

Creating a Reporting Environment – Developing a reporting environment that allows the client to see KPI reporting across all marketing channels. We can recommend the appropriate metrics for each channel (i.e. impressions, sessions, other channel-specific metrics such as email opens/clicks, etc.). We will also work with a number of platforms, such as Excel/Access, Google Analytics, etc.

Advanced Marketing Analytics – Apollo’s consultants have extensive experience in applying advanced analytics techniques to data. We are adept at translating complex data into actionable marketing insights. Specific examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Identifying different marketing segments that can receive different advertising creatives or marketing treatments.
  • Using techniques such as marketing mix modeling to associate marketing/advertising activities with their contribution to product sales.
  • Modeling multi-touch attribution to help determine which customer contacts are ultimately driving the decision to purchase vs. other phases of the customer purchase funnel, such as awareness or consideration.
  • Apollo can also provide survey-based research to support the advertising process, from survey design and execution to back-end analysis, including discrete-choice modeling and conjoint analysis that can provide insight on issues such as price sensitivity and optimal product configuration. Market simulators can be constructed from these analyses that can simulate the impact of new feature additions or entry of new products into the marketplace.

Call us today at (401) 862-6339 to find out how Apollo’s Marketing Analytics Capabilities can help your agency grow revenues and profits.

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