Bryan Mason, Author at Apollo Consulting Group - Page 14 of 17

Author: Bryan Mason

Here is a useful article describing how to offer e-commerce capability and fulfillment with service that matches or exceeds the big boys while maintaining your company’s uniqueness.   Offer flawless service, and your customers will keep coming back. Lately, e-commerce order and fulfillment seems dominated by Goliaths. In...

I am going to start with the Using Blogs sales channel because you are reading my blog and this fact provides a great context.  There are two main ways to use a blog to get more customers. The first is to use it as I do. ...

  This article has some useful things to keep in mind to help you build your business.  I especially like the service focus and the getting customer feedback items.  I have blogged on these before and believe you cannot emphasize them enough. See the complete post at...

With this post, I am beginning a series on getting more customers.  Most of my customers think that getting more customers is the answer to all of their problems.  They are usually wrong in this respect because you need to get most of the other...