Author: Bryan Mason

Around this time of year, and especially on new year’s day, a lot of small business owners reflect on their successes and challenges in the year just past.  I like to ask two questions. Are you Over-Challenged and spend a lot of your time just...

Using existing platforms is about leveraging existing web sites, social media platforms and apps to get more customers.  You can get your app in the app stores, build browser extensions for Chrome and Mozilla and get people to sign up and share their experiences through...

[caption id="attachment_8773" align="alignright" width="300"] Customer Info Capture[/caption] This article stresses the importance of capturing key customer information.  This is a point I make all the time.  I believe for most small businesses, the use of a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is critically important.  This is...

[caption id="attachment_8767" align="alignright" width="300"] Using Engineering as Marketing[/caption] Using engineering as marketing is building tools that people use that lead them to tell others and to become a customer themselves.  I have done this only once before and forgot about this altogether.  So I have to...

Speaking Engagements are good for Marketing Consultants but not for Everyone Speaking engagements are not for everyone or for every type of company.  If you are seeking to build your credibility and/or you have a relatively complicated message to get out, speaking engagements can be effective. ...

[caption id="attachment_8736" align="alignright" width="300"] Rates of Facebook Post Engagement[/caption] This article covers some key marketing trends for 2018.  One of the most important is the movement to personalized content.  Unfortunately, true personalized content requires that you know something about your customers individually and are able address...

[caption id="attachment_8730" align="alignright" width="417"] Publicity Stunts[/caption] Unconventional public relations are activities you do to gain good press that are not your run of the mill press releases.  Generally, there are two kinds – publicity stunts and customer appreciation events/actions. Publicity stunts are things you do specifically to...

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